The Other Daughter


A couple races to save their newly adopted daughter from ritual sacrifice at the hands of a Satanic Cult's leader.


Tony and Kim move to an old farmhouse in the country with their cherished 8-year-old daughter Ashley. The girl has a set routine, including the book her parents read to her at bedtime and the girlish clothes she likes to wear. Tony and Kim are doting parents on their only child. A mysterious man, Billy, lures Ashley away from her yard to give her a puppy. The parents panic when they can’t find her initially, but she returns safely and talks about Billy, the man who gave her the dog. Tony and Kim grow more protective of her after the incident, not letting her outside unless one of them is with her.

Michael leads a local Satanic Cult. When one of his disciples tries to flee, he meets with tragedy. Once a member of the cult, people aren’t allowed to leave. In order to find greatness under Satan, he puts together a plan that requires sacrifice. He summons a demon that takes over a crow and becomes his eyes.

Kim needs to run to town to buy school supplies for Ashley. While she’s gone, Tony keeps Ashley in the pole barn with him while he works on a wood project. She asks to go play with Rex outside and he allows it, as long as she stays close and lets him know right away if Billy approaches her. In the yard, Ashley plays ball with Rex until he wears out. She wants to continue and starts throwing the ball onto the house roof. It rolls back to her several times before it becomes lodged in the gutter. Instead of bothering her dad, Ashley goes up to her room and climbs out on the steep roof. Although she uses extreme caution, the crow suddenly appears and spooks her. She loses her balance and falls from the roof.

When Kim arrives home, she finds her daughter’s covered body inside an ambulance with a distraught Tony nearby. Kim grows frantic. When Tony tries to calm her, she wants nothing to do with him after what he allowed to happen. Ashley’s tragic death drives a wedge between them to the point of Tony sleeping in the guest room and the couple hardly speaking for a year. One day, Kim receives a flyer in the mail from a local orphanage that is having a party so potential adopters can meet the kids. Kim misses being a mom so much that she wants to go and just see what happens. Afraid of telling Tony the truth, she takes him for a ride but stops by the orphanage.

Tony resists the idea of adoption. He doesn’t want to replace Ashley but when the crow pesters an 8-year-old Alicia, Tony comes to her aide and instantly bonds with her. After giving it some thought, he agrees they should adopt her. Things are good at first, at least for Tony and Alicia. Kim wants Alicia to be just like Ashley, and she isn’t. When Michael offers Kim a deal to get Ashley back if she trades Alicia for her, she agrees after much thought but the Ashley she gets is actually the demon in her corpse. Tony and Kim discover that Michael is really Alicia’s father and used them to get to her so he can sacrifice the girl and bring Satan to life. Billy is an ex-follower of Michael’s and helps the couple rescue Alicia so they can live the life Alicia deserves.

First 5 Pages

The Other Daughter first 5 pages.pdf