Finnigan Farm


What starts out as an innocent 5 year reunion at a remote farmhouse for a woman whose high school boyfriend was killed in a senseless accident turns deadly for the group responsible when a killer sets out to avenge his death.


A group of high school friends goes on a night walk, drinking and having a great time razzing each other. When they come to a train trestle far above a river, all are bold enough to cross, except for Paul. Afraid of heights, he can’t do it. His friends Jake, Brent, and Lance laugh as they pull him along, despite Paul’s panic attack. Rachael pleads with them to stop but the guys keep going. Paul pulls loose. Disoriented, he loses his balance and falls over the side. His body is never found.

Four years later, Rachael still struggles to cope with Paul’s tragic death. She stopped speaking to her friends who were there that night. While taking a rock climbing course, she meets Will, a nice enough guy. Following a year of dating, they marry. Still, their marriage is bland because Rachael still grieves over Paul, and Will knows it.

When Rachel receives an invitation to her five year reunion, Will pushes her to go. She needs closure to what happened, and maybe seeing her friends from that night might help her achieve it. No guests are allowed so Rachael takes off for the weekend alone.

When she arrives at the address, she discovers the location is an old farmhouse. Amber, one of the friends there the night Paul died, arrives. Together, they investigate the house and find it decorated for their reunion. It’s the right address. Jake, Lance, Kim, and Missy arrive. The only one from the tragic night missing is Brent. His old truck breaks down on a rural road en route and he starts walking. Overcome by the heat, he stops at a pond to wash off. A hooded assailant, wearing a hoodie similar to what Paul always wore, attacks and drowns him.

At Finnigan Farm, Rachael struggles to cope with seeing her old friends. The group grows suspicious when no one else shows up. They decide to sleep there for the night and deal with it in the morning.

Lance is the first to die in his room, followed by Kim as she suffocates inside the closet due to duct tape covering her mouth. Blood from Lance’s body under the bed soaks through the floor and drips into the kitchen. This leads Rachael and Amber to investigate. They quickly realize there’s a killer inside.

In the barn, Missy and Jake are murdered. A sheriff comes across Brent’s deserted truck and decides to check out the farm, the only structure in the area. When he arrives, Rachel and Amber beg for help. The sheriff insists they wait inside his car while he looks inside the house. The killer strikes, leaving the sheriff dead.

Following Amber’s demise, Rachael discovers the killer’s identity - Will. He is jealous over Paul since Rachael still pines for him. Rachael puts up a fight, which forces Will to detain her. After a brutal battle, she manages to kill her husband and flee the house, where she is picked up by a deputy in the morning.

First 5 Pages

Finnigan Farm first 5 pages.pdf