Inmate Seduction


When a psychiatrist brings a recently released convict patient into her home, someone begins murdering anyone who opposes her but the eerie truth about the deaths threatens to destroy her family.


Amanda Jennings, a single mom of 15-year-old Kaitlyn, is an accredited psychiatrist who practices out of her home. Making very little money and getting no help from her soon to be ex Calvin, her resources are running dry. She searches the Want Ads. The only psychiatry job is a temporary job at a federal prison and she applies. She is called in for an interview by Warden Braxton, who needs someone temporary to work with soon to be parolees until his good friend, Phil Greene, arrives in a few weeks. While Amanda wants a permanent position, she decides to take the job to earn a little money while she continues searching.

Amanda meets with several convicts who will be released soon, including Matt Reynolds, a dashing bad boy type. Arrested for armed robbery many years ago, Matt tells Amanda that he only did it to raise money to help his ailing little girl, who ended up dying. A spark between the two blossoms into much more.

At basketball practice, Amanda swings by the school to pick Kaitlyn up, despite Corbin being in charge. With Corbin is his very young girlfriend, Nancy. Amanda and she clash, as always, mostly due to jealousy from both women.

Matt is released from prison but has no place to go so Amanda offers to take him in until he can get on his feet. Matt is stunned by the offer but gladly accepts. Kaitlyn is less than thrilled about a man her mom barely knows moving into her home, temporary or not. Amanda asks her not to tell her dad, which will complicate their divorce.

Nancy ends up dead outside her apartment. Amanda’s replacement arrives a week early to take over, leaving Amanda upset that she’s losing the job sooner than she anticipated. While Warden Braxton has a drink with Phil Greene at a bar, a fight breaks out and allows a hooded figure to pour something into Phil’s drink unnoticed. After consuming the drink, he dies with cardiac arrest.

Kaitlyn lets it slip that Matt is staying at the house. Learning that an ex-con is living in the house with Kaitlyn angers Corbin and he rushes to face Amanda over it. He threatens to fight for full custody as he storms out, leaving Amanda an upset mess. Corbin is murdered that night and all signs point to Matt as the killer.

Amanda and Kaitlyn call the police when they find the killer’s jacket and Corbin’s wallet in Matt’s room. Matt disappears for days but returns to confront Amanda. She has actually been the crafty one by using him as a scapegoat for the murders she committed in order to eliminate every threat to her way of life. The two engage in a brutal fight, as Amanda knows she must kill Matt, but the police arrive in time, and Matt provides proof that she’s the true murderer.

First 5 Pages

Inmate Seduction first 5 pages.pdf