Project Z


A family faces the fight of their lives when a zombie outbreak pounds their small town and their path to escaping is cut off by those they expect to help them.


David and Brie enjoy their lives in a small town with their two daughters, 14-year-old Sam and 8-year-old Ally. When a neighbor's dog is attacked by something unknown and in return, bites his owner, the man is forced to kill his beloved pet, not realizing the dog is already dead. The bite wound decays quickly and leaves him sick, despite having seen a doctor. He dies, but awakens as the undead. This circle of events leads to a major outbreak, where people who still have most of their bodies in tact turn into zombies and continue to spread the disease. It sweeps through the town with very few survivors.

Before the outbreak is widely known, Sam sends Ally outside to search for the cat after Brie asks the older daughter to do so. While searching, Ally encounters her good friend George, only this isn’t the real him. He has been infected and sinks his teeth into Ally’s arm. Hearing her daughter’s screams, Brie rushes to save her.

Brie calls David at work to tell him what has happened. David has his hands full with an outbreak inside his office. He manages to make it out unscathed and goes home. On his way, he sees mass destruction to his community. Meanwhile, Sam and her boyfriend hang out at an abandoned house, where a couple of zombies attack. The boyfriend is killed and Sam barely makes it out unscathed. When she finds her way home by dodging danger, David and Brie load their daughters into their car and head to the nearest hospital in a neighboring town.

There is only one road out of the area. The army has it blocked off and refuse to let anyone leave. They shoot a man in front of his family when he continues to plead for their escape. His distraught wife is forced to turn the car around and go home. It’s David’s turn. He begs for help, but the military forces him at gunpoint to go back. 

Left with no choice, David takes his family home. When they get out of the car to head inside, a neighbor attacks Brie as David gets the girls safely into the house. It’s too late to help Brie. Horrified, David closes the blinds and tries to focus on his daughters. Ally slips away. Sam wants to try for help again, but David tells her it’s not possible. Ally wants to go to her bed, where she perishes. Knowing she will turn any moment, David stands ready with a knife, to Sam’s dismay. He forces Sam to leave, just before Ally snaps awake as a zombie. David ends her suffering and teeters on the edge of a breakdown.

Wanting to save his only daughter, David decides they will park near the roadblock and trek through the woods. Sam brings their cat inside a carrier. The cat escapes, and Sam is forced to let her go. Before they can continue on, soldiers surround them and take the pair back to the checkpoint. There, an officer explains that they are a part of Project Z, the testing of a chemical agent they want to use on enemies. The town is their testing site. No survivors allowed. While they plead for their lives, the soldiers are merciless and execute both.

First 5 Pages

Project Z first 5 pages.pdf